Addingham Garden Friends


The Village Gardens

Garden Photos


About The Garden Friends

About Addingham Village


The present 'Addingham Garden Friends' group was set up in 2001 to replace the 'Village in Bloom' group which had been operating since about 1980. That group was a sub-committee of the Addingham Parish Council and it was felt that it would be easier to operate, and especially the attract grant funding, as an independent body. The current group, consistentley 15 - 20, strong (see photo below), is free standing but works very closely with Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Addingham Parish Council, Addingham Civic Society, Addingham Gardens and Allotments Association (AGAS), Addingham Gala Committee, and Addingham Primary School Garden Club.

Bradford metropolitan District Council Parks and Landscapes Department (BMDC) has a local team led by Keith Mitchell, which is a reliable support in practical matters such as hard landscaping and mowing. The team also plants up the seasonal bedding in the two largest public gardens.

Addingham Parish Council provides annual funding , backing over minor projects, and liaison with BMDC.

Addingham Civic Society raises money for its projects which have historically been ambitious, and it is a significant contributor to Pride of Place. It has been responding to a plan by Bradford Metropolitan District Council to site 400 new houses in Addingham, whilst co-ordinating and organising last year's Diamond Jubilee celebrations and raising funds for the multi-use games area. It helped our Britain in Bloom entry by publicising it throughout the village and by taking steps to deal with eyesores, including a burnt-out shop.

Addingham Gardens and Allotments Association (AAGA) includes membership from the four Parish-Council-owned allotment sites, and provides materials and information.

The Addingham Gala Committee also makes a contribution to our funding, and AGF members provide practical help on Gala day.

Addingham Primary School Garden Club has a raised-bed garden which is beginning its third season. AGF initiated its first fund-raising for this and keeps up a regular link. It is enthusiastic about the In Bloom entry.

The federal approach suits us all, since we can concentrate on our main functions, co-operate by a network of links, and do not need an extra over-arching layer of meetings.