Addingham Garden Friends


The Village Gardens

Garden Photos


About The Garden Friends

About Addingham Village

Yorkshire in Bloom and other certificates awarded to Addingham

1983 Certificate of Merit
1988 & 1991 Finalist & Award of Merit - Best Kept Village Competition (Yorkshire
Rural Community Council)

1993 Winner of The Wybone Cup (Keep Britain Tidy award)
1995 ‘Most Improved’ Award
1995 Certificate of Merit
1996 2nd Place - The Gordon Crowther Memorial Trophy for Best Spring Display.
1997 Winner - Best Kept Village Competition & Finalist - Village of the Year
1997 Certificate of Merit
2000 Certificate of Merit
2003 Trophy Winner - Best Spring Display
2003 Second Place in Category
2004 Second Place - Best Spring Display in Category
2004 Second Place in Category
2005 Second Place - Best Spring Display in Category
2005 Third Place in Category
2006 Silver Gilt Award & Category Winner
2007 Silver Gilt Award
2008 Silver Gilt Award
2009 Silver Gilt Award
2010 Silver Gilt Award
2011 Gold Award and Category Winner
2012 Silver Gilt Award, Britain in Bloom